Waste Regulations

Airload are here to help work through the complex regulations and come up with compliant cost effective hazardous waste and chemical waste disposal solutions. Implementation of Hazardous Waste Regulations and Landfill Directive has resulted in the biggest changes in the management and disposal of hazardous wastes including chemical wastes for more than 30 years.   The Waste Framework Directive Legislation will be implemented during the year 2011. Anyone who produces, handles or manager’s hazardous waste must take all reasonable measures to apply the waste hierarchy when they transfer waste. Unless there is a justifiable reason not to, a waste should be managed in order of preference by:   1. Prevention.   2. Preparing for re-use.   3. Recycling.   4. Other recovery (eg energy recovery)   5. Disposal   Many new wastes have been classed as hazardous waste with the introduction of definitions contained in the European Waste Catalogue. Changes in licensing and the adoption of more stringent Waste Acceptance Criteria testing have restricted the number of sites able to process certain types of hazardous, chemical and toxic waste.   With over 21 years’ experience in the field Airload can handle all hazardous wastes including:   Chemicals, pesticides, oils, solvents, paints, cylinders and aerosols etc.   We handle all volumes from 1 bottle to full loads of bulk or packaged materials providing a full service covering, where necessary, analysis, packing, labelling, transport and disposal.   Using our extensive knowledge regarding hazardous chemical waste disposal, we will select the most appropriate disposal route for your wastes and ensure all documents are correct.

THE HAZARDOUS WASTE (ENGLAND AND WALES) REGULATIONS 2005   These regulations came into force on 16th July 2005 and will be amended 2011.   You will need to register ‘each site’ that produces hazardous waste with the Environment Agency every year. You will need to pay a fee to the Environment Agency yearly for ‘each site’  that is registered.   To be exempt from registering and paying a fee, a site must produce less than 200kg of hazardous waste per annum.   The Environment Agency will issue you with a registration number for each site. You must quote this number on each consignment note used to dispose of hazardous waste.   Some wastes which were non special under the old (Special Waste) regulations will become hazardous under the new regulations.   Mixing of wastes at a producers’ site will be prohibited.   You will need to quote the Standard Industry Classification (S.I.C) code and a six figure EWC code for each process that produces hazardous waste.   Producers must maintain a register of all waste streams produced and ultimately disposed. Further updated information can be found at the Environment Agency

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